Turn Your Chores into a Workout

Turn Your Chores into a Workout

Turn Your Chores into a Workout

Lee esto en EspañolNext time you see a ring around your bathtub, don’t grumble. Instead, just get out your scrub brush and give your upper body a workout. After all, the only bad workout is the one you didn’t do.

Household chores can be a great form of exercise. Combining the two is the perfect form of multi-tasking. Of course, this doesn’t mean loading and unloading the dishwasher is a substitute for a five-mile run. Still, there are chores you can do (and should do) around the house and in the garden to boost your activity during the day.

So, where do you start? Here are some ideas to help you start burning some serious calories around the house.

Gardening – Working in the garden is probably one of the best activities you can do around the house. Both digging and weeding exercise the legs. Carrying bags of dirt tones and strengthens arms. Depending on how long you work, there’s also some heart benefits. And let’s not forget the benefits of fresh air.

Cleaning the bathroom or kitchen – OK, it’s not the same as going to a fancy gym. Think of the elbow grease you use scrubbing the kitchen floor as a substitute for lifting weights. Maybe throw in a bear crawl as you move across the floor.

Washing the car – Skip the car wash and save some money. This is a chore that can be done slowly but still provide benefits. The important thing is to keep moving while you’re doing it.

Vacuuming the house – If you’re just slowly dragging the vacuum cleaner around, then you’re missing a great opportunity. Add a few lunges and dance moves while getting the dust up. 

Remember, almost any household chore can be a form of exercise. Just don’t practice any trick moves while you’re on the step ladder! 

Sources: Seven Tricks That Turn Household Chores into Legit Workouts, leaving site icon The Healthy, 2020; 10 Household Chores That Burn as Many Calories as a Workout, leaving site icon Men’s Journal, 2021

Originally published 6/5/2017; Revised 2021, 2023