Results for medicare benefits and coverage
  • Calendars Fill Quickly, Schedule Your Mammogram Early

    Do you book your doctors’ appointments in advance? A little planning now can help you keep up with important health checks that could save your life one day. Routine mammograms are one of those important checks. When breast cancer is fou...
  • Earn Rewards for Healthy Actions

    Blue Cross Medicare AdvantageSM members can earn up to $100 in gift cards for Healthy Actions.* Whether it’s scheduling your annual wellness visit or getting your flu shot, now you can earn rewards while taking care of your health. Here are Hea....
  • How to Get the Most Out of Your Medicare Advantage Plan

    Welcome to Medicare Advantage . We’re glad you’re a Blue Cross Medicare Advantage member. Ready to make the most of your health care plan? Start with these steps: Plan your Annual Wellness Visit. With no copay and no cost to you...
  • One Easy Way to Stay with Blue for Medicare

    It’s a major milestone you’ve been moving toward for a long time — all your working life, in fact. Now you’re on the cusp of 65. That means the hard-earned benefits you’ve worked for your whole life are close at hand &md...
  • How In-Home Test Kits Fit Into Your Schedule

    There are things you love to do and things you have to do. Some health screenings fall into the latter. For example, you may not be eager to have a colonoscopy. You're not alone. There’s a way you can dial down the dread. W...
  • Stay on Top of Your Prescriptions

    It’s not always easy to take medications on time. Life sometimes gets in the way of best-laid plans. One day you look at your pillbox and realize you’re a few doses behind. Taking your medicine as prescribed is c...
  • Staying In-Network Is Important

    You want to take care of yourself. So, it's good that when you need health care services, you have a whole network you can tap. Your health plan gives you access to many kinds of care providers. Doctors, therapists, clinics, ...
  • Skip a Trip to the Doctor’s Office with an In-Home Assessment

    A trip to the doctor’s office takes time away from your everyday life. You may have to find a ride or cancel other plans. For Medicare Advantage members, an in-home health assessment can let you get the health check you need. Plus, it saves you....
  • Nurseline: Get Your Questions Answered

    Health issues don’t always follow a 9-to-5 schedule. Sometimes, problems and questions come up at the worst possible times (like 8 o’clock on a Friday night, or when you’re on your way to a family reunion). It's tempting to hop on t...
  • Tips for Using Your HMO

    There’s a better way to use your health maintenance organization (HMO) plan. Start with your primary care provider (PCP). Your PCP knows how to help you get the health care you need. It’s an important relationshi...
  • Stay Active and Healthy with Workout To Go

    Do you want to start exercising? Are you looking for a new workout routine? We’ve got just the tools to make it simple. The NIH National Institute on Aging has a handy Workout to Go booklet that you can download. You'll find easy, s...
  • Medicare and Planning for Your Family

    Do you plan on clocking out when you turn 65? Sailing to exotic shores? Launching your own business or just kicking back in an easy chair? It’s time to think about your Medicare options. And if you have others covered by your plan, you&rs...
  • Survey Says: We Want to Hear from You

    As a Medicare Advantage member, we may ask you to participate in the Health Outcomes Survey (HOS). Your survey answers help us better understand and address your health needs. Participants must be enrolled in a Medicare Advantage plan or a Prescripti...
  • Handy Telephone Customer Service Options

    Looking for answers about a claim? Need to order a new ID card? Want to verify your eligibility or contact info? We’ve added convenient features to our customer service telephone line. It’s easy to get information you need about your Blue...