Meet the BCBSNM Volunteer of the Year!

Laura Bain is always ready to help and that is a good thing for her fellow New Mexicans. Because of her volunteer efforts, Bain was selected by Blue Cross and Blue Shield of New Mexico (BCBSNM) as the Volunteer of the Year in 2015.

Bain, an administrative assistant in BCBSNM Network Services, logged almost 300 volunteer hours in 2015. She is devoted to serving and volunteering at all corporate community activities including American Heart Walk, Operation Back to School, Adopt a Family holiday event and KaBOOM! builds. Bain regularly serves as the Blue Bear mascot handler, assisting and escorting Blue Bear at community events.

“Volunteering and helping in the community is very important to me. Volunteering tells the community that you care, that you understand,” said Bain. “I volunteer because I enjoy doing it!”