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You're having a great time getting to know your new roommate and classmates, and then it starts – the crud. First, it was just a little tickle at the back of your throat. Then you noticed a little pressure behind your eyes. You have picked up the germs that so many do when they start college. Now what? Where do you go now that you're feeling under the weather and not at home? What do you need to make an appointment?
Aha! You just remembered, your parents left that folder in the top drawer of your desk in your dorm room. As you open it up, you realize that they gave you a care package:
There's even information about how to find a doctor with something called a Provider Finder®.
And an app1!
Having it all on your phone is going to make it so easy. And you have a new title now – “adult dependent.” Looks like you're in charge of your own health and will need to start keeping track of it all on something called Blue Access for MembersSM. You logged in just to scope it out and found even more resources.
You don’t even have to make an appointment if you don’t have time. You can meet with an independently contracted, board-certified doctor 24 hours a day, seven days a week, via app, online video or your phone with something called a “virtual visit"2,3. This is perfect with your busy class schedule.
This (health) care package is just what you needed. Your parents knew just what you would need when the time came. Now, you wonder what they’ll put in your next care package?
Originally published 7/11/2018; Revised 2020, 2023
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of New Mexico, a Division of Health Care Service Corporation,
a Mutual Legal Reserve Company, an Independent Licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association
© Copyright 2025 Health Care Service Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
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