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A health plan is one of the most immediate things you can do to support your child’s health and wellness. You can locate one during open enrollment. Many health plans offer essential health benefits as well as through They are a set of health care services that must be covered by certain plans.
Essential health benefits
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of New Mexico (BCBSNM) Individual and Family health plans offer important coverage for pediatric services, preventive care and vaccines. They're all important for keeping your kids healthy. Regular visits to the doctor also track your child’s growth and progress. A health plan for your child will even cover their annual flu shot and other shots for school.
Two parts to pay attention to when searching for a health plan are costs and doctors. You can see what plans fit your budget and your child’s needs by putting basic information on our website.
Giving information like family size, zip code and income will help find out if you qualify for a subsidy. Last year many people learned they qualified for a premium tax credit or cost sharing assistance.
Health plans come in handy in all types of situations. A nasty fall during gymnastics or an unexpected ringworm outbreak at daycare are just two of the things that can be treated by a visit to a doctor or care facility in your health plan’s network.
Having a health plan is a pretty big deal when it comes to raising your kids. So, unless you plan on putting your kids in a bionic bubble. Having a health plan is the next best thing.
Originally published November 24, 2015; Revised 2018, 2020, 2021, 2023
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of New Mexico, a Division of Health Care Service Corporation,
a Mutual Legal Reserve Company, an Independent Licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association
© Copyright 2025 Health Care Service Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
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