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Struggling with drugs? Struggling with alcohol? If you or a family member aren’t sure what to do to get help, watching this short video will provide helpful information on treatment and support.
Learn more about Behavioral Health.
MARTINE SAGUN: Are you struggling with drugs or alcohol? Do you feel out of control or unable to stop? Reach out to your doctor who can offer options to assist you. If you've been told by your doctor or hospital that you have a drug or alcohol problem, continued treatment is important to long-term success. Schedule a follow-up visit within one week of the initial doctor visit or hospital stay to start on the path to getting better. Most patients need ongoing care so continue to attend regular appointments to aid in recovery and follow the treatment plan from your provider.
Getting help has shown to improve health and relationships with family and friends. If you need help with referrals or scheduling appointments with experts in substance use treatment, call the number on the back of your member ID card and ask for a behavioral health case manager. They are happy to help you get started on your path to recovery.
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of New Mexico, a Division of Health Care Service Corporation,
a Mutual Legal Reserve Company, an Independent Licensee of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association
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