Ghoulishly Good Tips for a Healthy and Safe Halloween

Ghoulishly Good Tips for a Healthy and Safe Halloween

Ghoulishly Good Tips for a Healthy and Safe Halloween
2 minute read time

Lee esto en EspañolThe words healthy and Halloween don’t usually go together — for obvious reasons. Halloween is the one time of year when kids let loose and eat as much candy as they can get their hands on. Still, it's possible to give your kids a fun and healthy Halloween.

Here are some ideas to help rein in the sugar rush and keep your kids safe.

Feed your little monsters before they go trick-or-treating.

If your kids eat a healthy, well-balanced meal before they head out the door, they’ll be full and eat fewer sweets afterward.

Small bags are just right for small hands.

Give your kids a smaller bag or bucket to take trick-or-treating. It will limit the amount of candy they collect and eat. If they protest, tell them it’s easier on their small hands.

Don’t let your kids trick-or-treat alone.

Make sure an adult stays with young kids as they make their neighborhood rounds. Encourage your older kids to trick-or-treat in a group. Set rules about how far they can go and the time they need to be home.

Put reflective tape on your kids’ costumes.

Decorate your kids’ costumes with reflective tape or stickers so they stay visible when it gets dark outside. Give them glow sticks, necklaces or bracelets to wear. They're fun accessories that help them stay safe after dark.

Portion out the candy.BlueBearHalloween

When your kids get home from trick-or-treating talk to them about how much candy they can have per day or per week. Go through their candy with them and divide it into agreed-upon serving sizes. If you hear some moaning, share the bright side: their candy will last longer.

Keep the candy stash out of sight.

After Halloween is over, take the leftover candy and place it in a hard-to-reach spot that's out of sight. Your children will be less likely to ask for treats if they can’t see them.

When you prevent your kids from overindulging, you take a big step toward making their Halloween a healthy one.

Have a happy, safe and healthy Halloween! What BOO-tiful costumes are your children wearing this year? Blue Bear's got his.

Source: Halloween Safety Tips: Costumes, Candy, and Colored Contact Lenses, leaving site icon U.S. Food & Drug Administration, 2023

Originally published October 27, 2014; Revised 2020, 2022, 2024