• Oh, My Aching Feet! Caring for Common Foot Problems

    There are lots of different foot problems, some serious and some easy to treat at home. The main thing is to take care of them before they get worse. These are some of the most common foot issues and what to do about them. Arthritis What is it: Arthr...
  • Expecting a Baby? Check Out Our Maternity Checklist

    Preparing for the arrival of a little one? Congratulations! You probably have a lot on your mind — and your to-do list. Choosing baby names and setting up a nursery are likely two of them. But there are other things to remember so you can make ....
  • Your Hardworking Lungs Need Protecting

    Your lungs help you breathe. But they do much more. They help you fight infections. They help your other organs work. They do so much for your overall health — and they need your protection. Your lungs are easily harmed. Anything you breathe in....
  • What’s Causing Your Tummy Troubles?

    Why does your stomach hurt? It’s a good question — and a common one. Millions of Americans have at least one type of digestive problem. Some problems come and go, while others can upset your whole life. There are many different kinds of d...
  • Early Detection Helps Prevent Deaths from Breast Cancer

    Finding breast cancer early is the best way to prevent deaths from breast cancer. Getting regular screening tests is the best way to find breast cancer early. About 1 in 8 American women will get breast cancer at some point in their lives. Each year...
  • Help Overcome Opioid Use Disorder with Medication-Assisted Treatment

    Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) is an ongoing health crisis in the United States that can affect anyone, no matter your race, income level or gender. An estimated 6.1 million people in the U.S. age 12 and older have OUD. The good news is OUD is treatable...
  • Prediabetes: A Wake-Up Call

    More than a third of American adults have high blood sugar, or prediabetes, and the rates are on the rise. Having prediabetes raises your risk of developing Type 2 diabetes, heart disease and stroke. The good news is that even if you have prediabetes...
  • Helping Kids Stay Active and Healthy During Winter

    Don’t put a freeze on family fun this winter. All kids need physical activity to stay healthy. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says young people ages 6 to 17 need 60 minutes of activity daily. For today’s busy kids, on...
  • A Closer Look at Type 1 Diabetes

    There are two types of diabetes: Type 1 and Type 2. Left unchecked and untreated, both can cause damage to blood vessels, nerves and organs in the body and lead to serious health issues. Diabetes happens in people of every age, race, shape and ...
  • Keep Your Brain and Body Healthy by MINDing What You Eat

    Healthy eating doesn’t need to be hard. You don’t have to spend a lot of time tracking your daily calories or buy special diet products. Just find a healthy approach to what you eat. One easy-to-follow eating plan — the MIND diet &m...
  • What Is an A1C Test, and Why Does It Matter?

    If you have diabetes, you know you need to check your blood sugar regularly. But do you know you also need an A1C test? Blood glucose numbers only give a quick snapshot of blood sugar control at certain times of day. You may think your blood sugar...
  • Keep Your Child Healthy with Regular Well-Child Visits

    Parents take their children to the doctor when they’re sick. But regular well-child visits to a pediatrician or other health provider are just as important. Getting those checkups and recommended vaccinations help keep children healthy. What Is....
  • Symptoms of Type 2 Diabetes

    Over the last decade, new cases of diabetes have increased 18.6 percent in the U.S., showing the growing impact of the epidemic. All told, more than 38 million Americans have diabetes today — and the numbers keep rising. The majority (about 95 ....
  • 5 Ways You Can Protect Your Colon Health

    Staying healthy is easier if you take care of the basics. Go to the doctor at least once a year for a wellness checkup. Get your preventive screening tests. Just doing those two things can help you live a longer and healthier life. Annual wellness...
  • Do You Have Sleep Apnea? Find Out — and Find Solutions

    Do you snore loudly? Or feel tired when you wake up and during the day? Do you often have headaches in the morning? You may have a disorder called sleep apnea. Why is that important? Sleep apnea isn’t just annoying. It can sometimes lead to se....