Self-Management Programs: Achieving and Maintaining a Healthy Weight

Self-Management Programs: Achieving and Maintaining a Healthy Weight

Self-Management Programs: Achieving and Maintaining a Healthy Weight

Reaching a healthy weight can be hard for many reasons. Still, it’s not out of reach. In fact, getting there might be easier than you think.

Don’t know how to get started and what you can do about it?

Luckily, help is here. The Well onTarget® portal offers self-management programs, tips and resources to help you move the scales in your favor. Achieving and Maintaining a Healthy Weight is a digital program that offers:

  • Interactive courses with information and learning activities that focus on changes that build healthier eating habits.
  • Educational courses with easy to read articles about weight loss and offer guidance on ways to make lifestyle changes.

Both courses allow you to study at your own pace when you have time. Best of all, these programs make it easy to learn. All of the content is based on recommendations from accredited programs and guidelines.

Achieving and Maintaining a Healthy Weight is for anyone who wants to learn how behavioral and environmental factors can contribute to unhealthy weight gain.

Once you reach your weight goals, the program helps you stay in your desired sweet spot. You’ll learn how to manage all the things that can influence your weight – including nutrition, physical activity, stress and sleep.

Access the program through the Well onTarget Member Portal at site icon You can also use the mobile app, AlwaysOn®, to register for the Digital Self-Management programs.

Get started today.

Originally published 2/14/2019; Revised 2022, 2024